St. Augustine and “The One” If an extremely appalling act is about to be carried out by one or more individuals, of which are full believers in the Christian Faith and in God, what action or lack thereof would God take in relation to this? Are there things that God cannot accomplish or fulfill? If God is truly good and could in fact renounce all evil, then why does he not and why would God then permit evil to exist? So, what’s the reasoning behind all the questions on such a matter? The concept of “The One” or God was quite a troubling topic for the philosopher we know today as St. Augustine. Aurelius Augustinus was born in Tagaste of the Roman Empire which is now Algeria in North Africa and growing up, Augustine had a desire for the ‘Truth’. The truth to the big question many of us ask ourselves, “why am I here and what am I supposed to do with this life that I have been given?” Augustine, after converting to Christianity in his thirties sought to make sense of this. Thou...
Showing posts from March, 2017